The books 'Anusha Healing: Shining a Beacon of Love in Changing Times' and 'Anusha Rising: A Pathway to Healing and Ascension to Higher Dimensions' and the CDs 'Anusha Healing Meditations' and 'Anusha Rising' and the Oracle Cards are available for purchase.
The Books, CDs and Oracle Cards

Anusha Rising: A Pathway to Healing and Ascension to Higher Dimensions £11.00 each or both for £20



Anusha Rising: A Pathway to Healing and Ascension to Higher Dimensions £11.00 each or both for £20
Click the images for prices and details.
Prices quoted exclude p&p.
Please e-mail us at winterswaycentre@aol.com to order any of the above.
Patsi is happy to sign the book for you. Thank you.
Sending an abundance of peace, love and joy!
Warm thanks for visiting our website; we hope you enjoy it and find what you're looking for.
Live from your heart!
Anusha healing is a loving, gentle and powerful healing energy that we've been blessed to channel over the past 16 years.
About Us
Hello! We are Patsi Hayes and Kate Pike and together we have the pleasure of offering you a loving and warm welcome at Winters Way Therapy Centre. We are enormously compassionate and caring and dedicated to helping you to improve your well-being, to develop loving and harmonious relationships, to evolve and grow, to become the very best person you can be. We urge you to come along and engage in a life-enhancing experience!

Kate Pike
I have worked as a Psychodynamic Counsellor for 25 years; studied and practiced Reiki for 20 years and am a Master Teacher.
I trained as a Kinesiologist 19 years ago and am a Sekhem Practitioner and a Karuna Master Teacher. My areas of specialism include loss, early childhood issues, freedom from fear and sexuality as well as working with couples. I facilitate personal and spiritual development groups in addition to co-facilitating the Heartfullness Groups and the FILM (Finding Insight and Learning through Movies) group.

Patsi Hayes
I've been working as a person-centred Counsellor for 38 years, a supervisor for 25 and a trainer since 1978. I became a Reiki Master Teacher 22 years ago and have attuned hundreds of Reiki healers since then. Along the way I have been attuned to Seichem at level 2 and am a Karuna Master Teacher. Additinally, I have received Angel attunements from Angela McGerr and run Angel workshops as well as facilitating a host of personal and spiritual development workshops and groups.
I also co-facilitate the Heartfullness Groups and the FILM (Finding Insight and Learning through Movies) group.

All counselling and healing sessions cost £40 per hour.
Anusha level 1 (Grounding) and level 2 (Releasing) cost £75 each, Anusha level 3 (Enlightenment) divides into Master Practitioner which costs £100 and Master Teacher costing £250.
The Wings Trilogy workshop and the 7th Heaven Anusha Ascension workshop both cost £75.
We are happy to negotiate concessions for genuine cases. Please ask.
For more information please visit the Anusha, Workshops or Reiki pages. Thank you.

Exciting news!
The second book, 'Anusha Rising: A Pathway to Healing and Ascension to Higher Dimensions', the accompanying meditation CD and Anusha Affirmation Oracle cards are now available.